Eco The Artist as Ecologist
Station Heimat


The Artist as Ecologist

Liveable environments in the age of media

Stadtverordneten-Saal at the Rathaus (Town Hall) Dieburg, Marktplatz 8
Nov 14 (14.00 –18.00h) – Nov 15 (10.00 –18.00h) 

Die Veranstaltung findet statt im Rahmen der Hessischen Film- und Medienakademie hFMA.

In collaboration with the following courses by the Faculty of Media/Hochschule Darmstadt (Media Arts and Sciences):
Expanded Cinema – Expanded Media (B.A.)
Leadership by Arts: Techno Ecology (M.A.)

Technical support:
Ben Briggmann, Aleksandar Vejnovic
Organisational support: Moritz Klug, Eric Peulings, Natascha Rehberg, Aylin Sahin, Timo Soriano Eupen, Katharina Szmidt, Karin Zuleger
Head of organization: Michelle Bunn
Scientific Direction: Prof. Sabine Breitsameter (Hochschule Darmstadt)
Fachbereich Media
Hochschule Darmstadt
University of Applied Sciences
Campus Dieburg
Max-Planck-Straße 2
Telefon: +49. 61 51. 16- 94 41v